Our Story

Established in 2024, Sinergi Bentonite Solutions Sdn Bhd stands as a leading subsidiary of PT Sinergi Sinar Sejahtera, a distinguished name in the Indonesian bentonite mining and processing sector. Backed by over three decades of industry experience, we have honed our expertise in delivering high-quality bleaching earth solutions tailored to diverse industrial applications.

Our journey is defined by a relentless pursuit of excellence, guided by our unwavering commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. With Sinergi Bentonite Solutions, you can trust in our proven track record and dedication to providing superior products that meet the highest standards of quality and performance.

Welcome to a partnership built on expertise, reliability, and a shared vision for success. Welcome to Sinergi Bentonite Solutions Sdn Bhd.


0 k

Tonne Produced

Total Production



Total Customers


Tonne / month

or 30,000T per year
for Plant 1


Tonne / month

or 60,000T per year
for Plant 2


Tonne / month

or 300,000T per year
for Plant 3

Sole Distributor

Sinergi Bentonite Solutions Sdn. Bhd. is an affiliate (sole distributor) of PT Sinergi Sinar Sejahtera.

Regional Hub

Continued emphasis in our expansion into Malaysia.

Industry Expert

Reiteration of our vision to become a global leader in the industry.

Sinergi Overview

Our expansion into Malaysia marks a significant milestone in our journey to become a global leader in the industry.  By establishing ourselves as a regional hub for high-quality bleaching earth and other bentonite solutions and applictions, we aim to serve the diverse needs of our customers across various sectors.

Our Mission

Our mission is to leverage our expertise and resources to deliver exceptional value to our customers. We are committed to achieving this by offering superior products, upholding service excellence, and embracing environmental responsibility in all our endeavors. Through innovation and collaboration, we strive to exceed expectations and foster long-term success for our clients and stakeholders alike.

Our Vision

At Sinergi Bentonite Solutions Sdn Bhd, our vision is clear: to emerge as the preferred provider of high-performance bleaching earth solutions, driving innovation and sustainability in the industry. We aspire to set new standards of excellence, empowering our partners with cutting-edge solutions that enhance their processes and outcomes.

Our Ethos



At Sinergi Bentonite Solutions Sdn Bhd,we hold ourselves to the higheststandards of excellence. We strive forperfection in every aspect of ouroperations, from product development tocustomer service. Our commitment toexcellence ensures that we deliverproducts and services of unparalleledquality, setting new benchmarks for theindustry.



Innovation is the driving force behind our success. We embrace innovation as a catalyst for continuous improvement, constantly seeking new ways to enhance our products and processes. By fostering a culture of creativity and exploration, we stay ahead of the curve and deliver cutting-edge solutions to our customers.



Integrity lies at the heart of everything we do. We conduct our business with honesty, transparency, and unwavering ethical principles. Our integrity forms the foundation of trust with our customers, partners, and stakeholders, guiding us in every decision and action we take.



Environmental sustainability is a core value embedded in our operations. We are committed to operating in an environmentally responsible manner, minimizing our ecological footprint and preserving the planet for future generations. Through sustainable practices and initiatives, we strive to make a positive impact on the environment and the communities we serve.

Our Customers

Here are some of our esteemed clients in Indonesia





Bentonite, a notable mineral within the clay family, is formed through the hydrothermal alteration or weathering of volcanic ash. This unique process results in a highly versatile material, distinguished by its remarkable ability to absorb and retain water. The structure of bentonite is characterized by the presence of various cations, which influence its properties and applications. Based on the predominant cation within its structure, bentonite is primarily classified into two main types: sodium bentonite and calcium bentonite.

Sodium Bentonite

Sodium bentonite is known for its exceptional swelling capacity and high viscosity. When mixed with water, it can expand up to several times its dry volume, forming a gel-like substance. This property makes sodium bentonite highly effective as a sealing and plugging agent in various industrial applications. It is extensively used in drilling fluids for oil and gas exploration, where its ability to stabilize boreholes and control fluid loss is crucial. Additionally, sodium bentonite is utilized in geotechnical engineering for constructing impermeable barriers in landfills and ponds, ensuring environmental protection and containment.

Calcium Bentonite

In contrast, calcium bentonite exhibits lower swelling capacity but higher green strength and thermal stability compared to its sodium counterpart. These characteristics make calcium bentonite suitable for different applications, such as in the foundry industry, where it is used as a binding agent in the production of molds for metal casting. Its adsorptive properties are also leveraged in the purification of oils and fats, where calcium bentonite acts as a bleaching agent to remove impurities and enhance product quality. Furthermore, calcium bentonite finds applications in the cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries, where it is valued for its natural detoxifying and clarifying effects on the skin.

Both types of bentonite offer unique benefits and are integral to numerous industries due to their distinct physical and chemical properties. The choice between sodium and calcium bentonite depends on the specific requirements of the application, underscoring the versatility and importance of this mineral in modern industrial processes.